Stiloguedes - IV.b - O Leão Que Ri de 1956 a 1958 com fotos de arquivo

O Leão Que Ri (Smiling Lion), edifício de habitação na esquina da Av. Salvador Allende, antiga Princesa Patrícia com a Av. Kwame Nkrumah, antiga Rua dos heróis da Nevala de Maputo, antiga Lourenço Marques.
Vista para sudoeste - na fase de acabamentos dos passeios
Fachada principal para a Av. Salvador Allende, antiga Princesa Patrícia 
Alçado lateral norte para a Av. Kwame Nkrumah, antiga Rua da Nevala
Esboço  da fachada principal
Fachada principal na Av. Salvador Allende (ex Princesa Patrícia) 
Vista para noroeste

Vista do lado da Malhangalene para a Polana mostrando a traseira do Leão Que Ri

Atelier de Pancho Guedes no interior do edifício
Grades nas escadas viradas para a Rua da Nevala e para o quartel
O Leão que Ri visto da antiga Rua da Nevala.
O prédio a seguir é a residência de Pancho Guedes.
PG himself: The story of the Smiling Lion which does show how it came about is told by the drawings and paintings that I have done of the nine turns it took to make the lion smile. The Smiling Lion has six flats, a ground floor for parking, and a roof where servants used to live under undulating shells and behind parapets covered with relief murals in triangulated geometric patterns painted in soft oranges, whites and blacks. The forecourt is contained by the rows of bases and the concrete balls and trees, which the Municipal gardener kindly planted in the exact axis of each second base. The body of the lion rests on the bases which are purposely built askew. The verandahs which are contained by lateral walls appear to be on the point of slipping down to go crashing into the forecourt below. The service stairs are screened by what appears to be a soft melting form. The balustrade of the main stairs landing is a bunch of weapons and shields out of my early paintings of ships. One particular painting the Pirate Ship depicts the weapons which were afterwards to find their way into the balustrade.

Ver também a outra mensagem sobre o Leão Que Ri com imagens originais do HoM.
Mais aqui comparando fotos originais com fotos de 2013.
Nesta mensagem as imagens são carregadas de flickr.

Texto do HPIP
