Stiloguedes - XXVI - Casa Salm de 1963-1965 na Sommerschield

Este é um dos Palácios Euclidianos, um dos mais de vinte diferentes Stiloguedes. É um estilo mais geométrico e intrincado do que o habitual mas ainda assim notável - ver também.
Pancho Guedes dixit:
Casa Salm steps downhill and grows out on both sides towards the sea to form an outdoor area which screens its owners from neighbours. Each window gives a different impression of the sea view and the distant islands and multiplies the same passing ship again and again in its casement frames of different sizes. The garden is littered with walls where the house appears to have been and then hesitated or changed its mind. The swimming pool is like another of the rooms inside the house but built into the earth instead and filled with water. Saim House is a house of quite a few optical illusions.

Frente à actual Av. Julius Nyerere com vista directa para o mar
Escadaria do piso superior e baía ao fundo da barreira
Entrada da traseira

Foto mais recente - frente com piscina
Planos - a frente da Av. Julius Nyerere é para cima-esquerda
Pode-se ver a piscina desenhada no canto superior do desenho

Segundo Pancho Guedes, por volta de 1975, ano de independência e Moçambique ou depois, Salm vendeu esta casa ao governo Italiano.
Sobre a família Salm ver aqui.


Adarsh disse…
I wonder who lives in the Salm house today and if they are aware of the hallowed foundation upon which they stand.
Rogério Gens disse…
Hello Adarsh: According to former German ambassador Philipp Schauer's book this house was the residence of the Italian ambassador some two years ago, so likely it still is now. I think I read too that the Salms were able to sell it. Best regards.
Rodney Salm disse…
I have no idea whether this blog is still operating, but here goes ...
Hello Rogerio and Adarsh: I am Victor Salm's eldest son and still have the original title deeds to my father's house. The house was nationalised by the newly established Frelimo Government in 1976 and my parents received absolutely no compensation. It is true that the Italian Ambassador lived in the house for many years and may still do so. Sadly, it is untrue that they bought the house from us. However, if they want to buy it, I am sure my brothers would join me and be happy to sell it to them - or anyone else for that matter.
Rogério Gens disse…
Hello R. Salm:
I re-checked the mentioned book by P. Schauer and it just says that the Italian Embassador lived there, this by end 2015. It had no info at all about its ownership, whether it was still the State, Italian republic or some private person that in the meantime had got it.
Just by the way, the book also has that your father owned and lived before on the "blue tiles / azulejos" house in Polana. And on blog delagoabay recently it was published that that one is now for sale and as far as I remember with a permit for a high-rise building.
Best regards.